According to our data, we currently have 321.676 suppliers in our database, from which approximately 101. 919 suppliers are located in the West alone.
Why are most of our suppliers concentrated in the West?
- Market and labor advantages
According to the National Bureau of Statistics: the number of
China-Europe Railway Express from the west continues to increase, reaching 24.000 trains by the end of August this year, accounting for 54% of the country. Last year, the number of rail-sea intermodal trains in the new western land and sea channel increased by 105% year-on-year. The western region has five pilot free trade zones, 40 comprehensive bonded zones, 47 national economic development zones, which has become an important carrier of opening up to the outside world. Moreover, the western region has a vast territory, a large population, abundant labor resources and lower costs, which shows that the western market has unlimited potential.
- Western resource advantages
The west has the innate advantage of industrial development, energy and mineral resources are very rich. Among the major energy and mineral resources, the proven reserves account for more than 50% of the country’s exploitable hydraulic resources are lithium, nickel, platinum group metals, mercury, vanadium and titanium, potash, etc. and more than 40% of them are copper, lead, zinc, chromium, natural gas, coal, etc. - Strong logistic system
By 2025, Chengdu will be built into an international regional trade center, and a concentration of international headquarters. Chengdu-Chongqing region will drive high-quality development in the west and even in the whole country. Chengdu International Trade City will fully radiate Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Shaanxi and Chongqing regions, and is a large-scale western trade circulation cluster in western China.